just wanted to say that i adore this site with or without the porn (altho i will miss that soooooooooooooo much). theres a ton of really cool stuff on here and i appreciate all teh hard work that goes into it. i'm still confused about this tho..is the adult zone still up but only for donators? that doesnt make sense because most of teh people posting the great stuff on there werent donating money (altho they were donating time and effortputting pics and links). i don't even have a credit card to donate with altho i'm working on that. what exactly do you have to do to get that back? could it only be the links section? all joking aside that was one of teh reasons that this forum was differnt then others. anyway thanks for all teh hard work you guys put into it
Some mornings, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps.
Play with each other. Play with yourselves. Just don't play with the squirrels, they bite.