I'm joining the Air Force as well. I leave Dec 14th for basic. I must say that usmilitary.about.com it the best thing for you, there is so much knowledge to be gained about everything in the Air Force from the time of day you PT in basic to the description of every job. The moderators of the forums respond to any questions almost instantly. My recruiter was new when I first when so I knew what to say to get what I really wanted in the Air Force rather than what they wanted to tell me.
I didn't really want to have the military in my life but it came to a point in my life where I'm 20 and I just can't do a shit job anymore, and I haven't started college yet cause I have trouble holding down a place to live on a food service income. I've been around military people all their life and they are the same as anyone you ever meet. I have never met a soul that was brainwashed into thinking that the military was anything more than a paycheck, some loved their country, some joined to pay bills. The military is what you make of it. People are brainwashed only if they choose to be.