Originally Posted by willravel
I think a lot of the people who are voting for FMJ would vote for Scarface in a Pacino poll. It has a MTV cribsish following, i.e. people know it's hardcore and popular so they think it's totally cool. I really didn't think FMJ was up to Kubrick's standards, but that is all IMO. Also, I hated Scarface.
I've seen over half of those, and Full Metal Jacket is my favorite. The original poster asked for your favorite Kubrick film. Mine is Full Metal Jacket, because I like watching it the best. Doesn't have anything to do with MTV cribsish following.
And if you don't think Scarface is one of Pacino's best movies, you have issues
I'm not saying I would pick Scarface as Pacino's best, but there is definitely a possibility. I find Montana to be more "real" and believable than Frank Slade. It's just a matter of opinion. And MTV didn't make mine!