My rant on why I and other people shop in doing so support Wal-Mart. I am a former exployee.
Being someone that has worked out the inherent problem of supporting the mom & pop stores are that the mom & pop stores aren't hiring as they are run often by family and friends, one of whom I was not born in to. So already being broke and needing to accept the low wages of Wal-Mart I can also not afford to pay a $2 dollar premium for the mom & pop store cause on a gallon of milk. The lifestyle of the one working at the mom & pop store and the Wal-Mart employee are relatively the same in quality of life, often times people live in their stores. Lets just stay for instance a successful boycott was put on Wal-Mart and ended the company resulting in the largest employer in America letting go of all of its employees while already low income as it is will have to result to, in many towns, buying from the local convenient store at "convenient" prices which is a blow to making the poor poorer. As that person since they were working at Wal-Mart likely does not have the qualifications for another job seeks out a job in food service or a shoe store, perhaps even for a dollar less an hour in which time Rent-A-Center repos their children's bed set. Or perhaps they were in college on their way to a middle class life, yet now their tuition check bounces and they are barely making the rent.
Bassically it is a two-way fucking street, I cannot inturn support myself while not supporting a corperation, even to access this forum I'm supporting AT&T for internet access. Just as artists like RAGE while being part of a system preach against it, yet without using the system they could not have made their view loud enough to be heard. Everything in life is hipocracy.
You also mentioned the wholesome value of a candystore and such like that, they are still out there, and perhaps the rarity is a gift so that experience is special and not taken for granted. Say one day corperations folded in on themselves and the mom and pop store thrived, I can guarantee you there would be people saying, "Man wouldn't it be nice if we could just go to one store to get everything again. My kids are going to grow up in a world having to go to 5 different stores instead of making one trip."