Originally Posted by guy44
These arguments are false for a variety of reasons. First of all, people are clearly not only succesful because they are good or hard workers (in fact, often the opposite - they lie, cheat, steal, are born rich, etc.). It is in fact incredibly difficult to get out of poverty as your opportunities for decent education and higher education (college) are rather limited.
And you say conservatives are too quick to judge welfare recipients!! Not that your simple-minded, ignorant comments need to be refuted, but I'm conservative and fairly successful and I never had to lie, cheat, steal, or be born into wealth. I also don't believe everyone using welfare is a bad person. I do think that people sometimes make poor decisions in life and expect the government to help them pay the consequences. I know plenty of people that are living in poverty and you can trace it back to the poor decisions they made early in life. I strongly believe that there should be some kind of safety net for people who can't find work or have disabilites in this country, but some people do abuse it.