I personally think that homosexuality is a lifestyle choice. I don't agree with it and it's a lifestyle that I would not live however there are so many other issues in the world that carry so much wieght that this is the bottom of the list. When the wieght of hunger in Africa and homosexuality are on my moral give a shit list homosexuality is not a fucking issue whatsoever. I think people need to realize that there are alot more severe thorns jammed into our moral complex than a victimless lifestyle that may make someone happy. Especially in this day and age where happiness seems to become are rare commodity, if they aren't hurting you just let people be. If you are going to protest, donate, or whatever, then why not get some priorities and send some money to a Childrens fun or those hours standing on the streets holding a sign volounteer for the Salvation.
To sum up my opinion on homosexuality is people need to get their priorities staight about what cause really warrents holding up your banner for all the world to see. If people would honestly place more stock in a president's view on homosexuality than his changes to the military and education system then you just don't have your shit straight.