Originally Posted by roboshark
Now, I can tell you why I think the movie doesn't suck: it's got humor, it has an original idea (to a degree), there's some good acting by people that don't take themselves too seriously, some wonderful characters, and a dash or two of absurdity and randomness. These ingredients combine together to create an amusing, entertaining movie without any grand pretenses beyond pure, unbridled fun. And this is how this movie is to be judged.
I thought it was pretty obvious why it was stupid. It started out as a normal type of movie, and then bam, all the sudden vampires from nowhere. And suddenly it turns in to a cheesy vampire killing horror flick. It just came out of nowhere and I felt I had wasted all my time up to that point because that's wasn't the type of movie I wanted to see. I'm guessing the reason I hated it so much is because I had no idea it was going to make that dumb plot turn and I was disappointed by it. I didn't know what type of movie it was before I saw it I just knew it involved Quentin Tarantino.
But I didn't really feel it had good humor or was even too original for that matter. Nor was the acting
that great (Especially since George Clooney was in it). You are right about one thing though, it was an amusing movie. I find myself making fun of it quite often ... Just my opinion.