The winning strategy in Survivor seems so obvious to me:
Part One) Keep your tribe as strong as possible before the merge in order to win the majority of challenges. When the merge arrives, you will have greater numbers than the weaker tribe. This strategy is accomplished by voting off the WEAKEST members first.
Part Two) After the merge, the game becomes an individual game, and the strategy shifts to voting off the strongest members, thereby dumping the contestants who pose the greatest threat.
Haven't any of the guys in Lopevi ever, EVER seen this this damn show before??? It looks like CBS is going to have to step in next week and scramble the tribe membership in order to reduce the ineptitude of the male contestants.
Good grief, Jeff keeps telling the guys how to play the damn game, and they keep ignoring him. The same thing happened in the reward challenge. The goofbag guys would turn over two new objects instead of returning to a familiar object on their second turn. All they did was show the girls where EVERYTHING was located. Jeff even tried to tell them how to do it, but they're so God-awful stupid.
Living is easy with eyes closed.