It's sorta amusing how people like to play the part of the young farmer boy in the prologue of the story where his family gets slaughtered by the dark evil warlord and he swears that one day, justice will be served. Ooookay, young farmer boy. You go on believing that I'm the dark evil warlord and I get my jollies by ruining your day. I'm just trying to run my ideal website. In my ideal website, intelligent words in a discussion are FAR more important than one more user viewing the forums at any given time.
I all ready run a website where hits matter. I also get paid a living wage for it. I don't get paid shit for this site, so you gotta figure that it better damn well fit MY ideal than YOURS. Fortunately, I've managed to find thousands of people who enjoy my ideal. Go figure.
Please stop complaining, the lack of comprehension is getting silly.