thanks guys.
the loan to my parents doesnt need to be repaid right away, but I have to start repaying when my dad retires (about 4 years probably)
I have cut up my credit cards, and Im trying to increase the personal loan and move the balances onto that (lower interest rate)
the student loan is quite a low repayment, but it is taking forever to clear unfortunately.
What gets me down is, I have all this debt, and its like I have nothing to show for it, I mean there isnt anything I can sell back and make even some of the money back on, I just dont know how Ive got into this or what I spent all the money on. I sold my house to clear off my debts (I owned half the house, but I made about £12,000 off the sale), but it seems like somehow I've gotten back into almost as bad a situation as I was before. It's like, as if I've been stupifyed and suddenly I wake up and just cant believe I would get myself here.
I mean, I am not an absolute idiot, I used to be a financial accountant, I can understand the basic principles of spending more money than you have coming in... I dont know how I could let myself end up here, and for nothing... I just feel stupid to be in my situation, I cant really talk about it with anyone, because my parents dont know how bad it is, and if they did they'd be ashamed and just diss me for being an idiot - they might try and help, but I dont want to ask them to, neither of them can really afford it anyway.
I guess realistically, if I can get everything consolidated, I can pay off the bulk of it in 4 years (allowing for some salary increases and so on, which I should expect I guess), then maybe another 4/5 years to pay off my dad.... the prospect of being in debt till I'm 35 - probably not being able to get a mortgage or buy a house again - unless I have someone else to buy with - is all quite depressing!
But I know, everything that happened to put me here, I had more or less control over, so I cant say anything but that I did this all to myself.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas