Originally Posted by Hanxter
it's like your electric meter, every time you hit a thread on the TB the meter starts - for you folks that don't understand, there are 312 pages of pics for the getting - multiply that by a couple hundred lurkers A DAY... the KACHING CHING machine starts rolling - like a gas pump...
TFP isn't hosting those pics, it is just providing the links. Granted there are alot of links to pics and a lot of pages of links but the real bandwidth usage is of the image hosts and the poor suckers who host on their cable and DSL lines. TFP's problem is the serverload required to serve those 100 users at a time requesting all those pages. You put that many people in any forum, not just the EZ and you'll see the same problem. This was an effective method of solving the problem, I wish I could use it in some of the things I do.