Airsoft is a blast, whether you want just a cheap diversion to plink around in the backyard with, or if you are heavy into MILSIM stuff, you can find groups that play simulations with hundred dollar fully automatic guns. The real draw for me has been the realism, they look and operate like real weapons. If you are interested in buying cheaper spring guns I highly recommend They are one of the best online retailers of spring powered guns. Also, if you are interested in getting a particular gun to see if you like them or not I also heavily suggest the HFC Heavy 99 Pistol. Its a great replica of the P-99, probably the best for the price. As a general rule of thumb UHC and HFC makes good springers. Another good website dealing with airsoft is (that's the first site I really go into and learned about the sport). Hope that helps, I found airsoft completely by accident and have since really started to enjoy it. Its a fun alternative to paintball if you want to play, and if you want to collect without the hassle of dealing with real steel (or like me don't have the cash) its a neat hobby.