Frankly, I have to go with my standard religious argument here regarding the existance of God (Jehovah, or JHVH) and Azezel in the first place. Here, then, are my argumetns against:
Religion has existed for much, much longer than Christianity. Even the most ancient religions we have written or pictoral history of are probably not the first and most primitive religions to grace humanity. The Babylonians, the Egyptians... and far older than those cultures. Then the concept of religion in other cultures elsewhere in the world (seemingly unconnected) like the Mayans and Aztec, native Americans, ancient Chinese...
Chrisitianity would have one believe that without accepting Jesus Christ as your savior, you are doomed to be placed outside of Paradise/Heaven. Though there are billions of people who have lived and died SINCE Jesus that have had no exposure to Christianity. So there's the backup plan of, you are only disallowed from Heaven if you KNOW of Jesus and do not believe. Well, well... what murky waters we tread in now.
Next... there have historically been very few monotheistic religions (only one god). Polytheism has reigned the VAST majority of human history. Greeks, Romans, Chinese, Native Americans, Egyptians, Babylonians, Celts/Druids, most modern-day Neo-Pagans. Even today, while monotheism may be a majority bag, that's still a relatively new development.
Next next... the Holy Bible, in it's current and previous forms have been a great learning tool for the people for the last several thousand years. Especially the teachings of the Old Testament. The stories outlined therein teach right and wrong, good and evil. They teach the benefits of helping your fellow man. Of giving being more important than receiving. When kosherite law is concerned they teach about the packing of meat in salt (to keep in fresh when you don't have coolant-driven refrigeration devices), to stay away from pork (historically the "dirtiest" of meats, most prone to cause illness), and other such laws that help instill health and well being into the community. This is a good thing, but has less to do with a single god, and more to do with just being decent people.
Next again... Christianity tends to foresake the Old Testament. The scowling, critical God of the Hebrews turns into the jolly loving, self-sacrificing God of the Christians, seemingly overnight (or at least with the turn of a crisp thin page).
So, with my (very few compared to what I have in stock) points layed out I say this... there is no good and evil outside of human interpretation. The concept of Azezel as Satan is the nessecary opposition to the Holy God because without a balance, a single god cannot easily exist in human understanding. For those of you that are staunchly Christian, answer then this... can God exist without the Christian Satan? Can "good" have a concept without a concept of "evil"? Things that have no opposite are much harder for people to comprehend. Even children can understand good/evil, night/day, sunny/cloudy, yes/no, stop/move, heaven/hell. Give a child a concept that has no opposite. When the "how?" and "why?" questions start to turn up, the explanations are not so easy.
"What does cloudy mean?"
"It means that those white puffy things are blocking the sun"
"What is the chemical composition of glass?"
*blank stare*
Sure, that may be the two extremes, but it IS generally true.