How to FTP a large number of files?
Heres the situation: I have a friend with a corrupted Windows install that he would like to get data off of. No problem: I fire up Knoppix, find everything, and get ready to transfer it to one of my boxen. Thing is, I cant quite figure out the best way to do it. As far as I can tell, Knoppix doesnt include a graphical FTP utility, and I cant figure out how to send a large number of files and folders. I tried the mput command, but it wont create the folders, and Im not about to go make them all by hand. I thought about just making a tar with all the files he needs and then sending that, but I cant write to the disk to have somewhere to put it: the disk is formatted NTFS. Any suggestions? I tried SSH/SCP, but (I think) because of the disparity in processor speeds, his was choking trying to encode/decode everything while sending it, leading to corrupted files and a failed transfer. Id really like to get the FTP working, but I cant for the life of me figure out a good way to send that much stuff with the CLI based ftp...
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