Originally Posted by Outpour
While a bit unrelated to the topic I think it is relevant. Building a philosophical opinion that is based primarily off of second hand information (parts of the internet) is a slipshodish way to go about understanding concepts and forming your own thoughts. This means that articles you find that deal with particular works should not be a substitute to the actual work. Surely there is no problem in using other authors commentary in parallel to the actual work.
I would suggest picking up a copy of some of Kant's work. Read it through once or twice and "translate" the meaning it for yourself. Then see what other people have to say about it.
I don't think that she was using websites as her primary basis for forming the opinion. It sounded to me as though she had read Kant, not fully understood his use of terms (which I wouldn't blame anyone for) and then went looking for clarification. Not only is this exactly what you suggest, but it's not "forming an opinion", it's asking for a definition of terms. She wasn't asking anyone to interpret Kant's central ideas, just for clarification on the ways in which he was using (seemingly contradictory) words.