Originally Posted by JustDisGuy
LOL - what Truth is that? Seems to me that I've heard many scientific 'truths' over the years... but of course you are willing to take the most basic ones on faith. For example, you believe in the Evolution theory, correct? That man evolved from apes, which had previously evolved ultimately from microbes in some primordial soup, that got hit by lightning or something, right? Seems to me, you're taking that on faith my friend, unless you happen to be privy to the existence of a 'missing link'? Perhaps you can explain why Evolution seems to have suddenly halted, and we don't see apes and monkeys that are half-way to human wandering around today?
The difficulty with the theory of evolution, and the reason I think there is so much argument, is that, because of its size, most people don't have a freaking clue exactly what it is. The theory of Evolution as written by Darwin bears little resemblence to the theory of evolution accepted today. This is far from my area of expertise, but any thinking person should not be surprised that science has moved on since
Origin of the Species was originally written. It has also branched into areas that Darwin never even thought of...
Scientists believe it is the best answer for the evidence that is available - it does not require faith to see that the evidence (i.e. fossils) DOES exist.
Sorry that we are moving away from the original topic