Why can't I connect to my wireless router?
I wanted to change some setting on my wireless router (some IP forwarding so I could give this bittorrent thing a try). Pull up IE and pop in my router's ip. The usual log-in page comes up, I log in.
Little happens. Instead of the menus that I usually get, the page hasn't changed except the login password and its button are gone. I wait patiently. Nothing happens. I refresh and get the 'the page cannot be displayed' message. I discover that internet access is gone. I kill the powerbar that has the modem and router on it, try again. Repair the network connection, I have outside access again.
I tried again, same thing happened, except this time I took the time to perform a by the book paperclip router reset, in case I had somehow forgotten my password. Tried the rest 'admin' password. Same thing happened again.
I also tried from the wireless laptop connection. No help.
So I am currently broadcasting an unsecured wireless access point. I can't get into my router, and I don't know why.
The desktop system is an old P3 1000 that began its life as my girlfriends emachine and has since been upgraded. Running XP with SP1. My laptop is a Dell, also a p3 (866), also running XP but with SP2.
The router is an D-Link DI-713P wireless gateway that I bought in early fall 2002. I'm running an d-link adsl modem.
Any suggestions?