Wow, I had not. That is a pretty cool little program there. However, I mean them no disrespect, but I see bad juju when it comes to security. Anytime you start having to chmod everything to 777 I get nervous.
However, you are correct that something like that could be kind of cool for TheHerk. I have some file handing capabilities, but left most of it to FTP. If enough people show interest, I may just add a few more complex modules like recursive file editing/handling.
Thanks for you input,
follow-up - Yeah that program is definitely death to security. I reallized that I can go up directories to my non web accessible directories. That's craziness. I could view my secure files with passwords to databases. Still a cool program though. Any program that lets you create and edit the php files themselves has the potential to be bad.
-Blind faith runs into things!-
Last edited by Herk; 10-07-2004 at 04:21 PM..