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Old 10-07-2004, 01:10 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Location: in the backwoods
Wow, this thread really ought to be taken around back and shot to put it out of it's misery.

But, the topic does have potential.

Let's try this.

If you assume for the sake of argument that either party can be easily bought, here's how to handle it:
There are laws that regulate who can give money to presidential campaigns, and how much who can give. Even assuming that zionists gave money as a group, you can bet that if "the jewish lobby" had broken these laws the other political party would have made a big issue out of it. "The palestinian lobby" is free to give money to either campaign as well, just like "the Jewish lobby," so long as it does so legally.

Americans don't want foreign citizens giving alot of money to their presidential candidates, and so the money from the "jewish lobby" came from Jews living in the United States. Palestinians living in the United States are just as free to donate to either campaign as Jews are. There just happens to be alot more Jewish people living in the United states with money to spend on donations to presidential campaigns.

So that must explain it! If the Palestinians would stop blowing themselves up and instead move to America and make alot of money so that they could give money to presidential candidates, America would change its viewpoints!

Well, it's not that simple.
Americans identify with Isreal, and will in the foreseeable future as far as I can tell. This is the case for a variety of reasons:
1. Like I said, more jews live here than Arabs.
2. There are some fundamental Christians that view zionism as a step toward the return of Jesus, and therefore want to encourage the Israel and the creation of a temple.
3. Israelis aren't known for hijacking planes, suicide bombings, cutting off innocent civilians' heads, or shooting at U.S. troops
4. Israel is seen as an underdog surrounded by the same enemies as the United Staes has, and has done well militarily against them throughout its short history.
5. Israel is one of the only counties in the region that does not want to see, or at least is not full of people that want to see the United States weakened.
6. Israel had the balls to attack nuclear plants when we did not in the mid 1980's, and had the balls to not attack when scud missiles were launched at it in the early 1990's.
7. The behavior of Yassir Arafat in the peace negotiations did not help the palestinian cause much.

Because of these reasons, the United States can forgive the occasional spying, and is not likely to change it's position and condemn Israel, well, do anything more than "condemn" Israel in the near future. You should also be aware, though, that Bush supports a separate Palestinian state, and I think he's the first American president to have said so. Still, you should expect the United States to continue to support Israel, for the reasons I have stated and more, and not because the jewish lobby gives more money.

Last edited by dy156; 10-07-2004 at 01:17 PM..
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