Jack Handey Quote of the Day 10-07-04
More of Jack's early remembrances with his wife Marta~
One time I was going to throw a surprise party for Marta, but the surprise ended up being on me. That's because the party seemed like too much trouble and I eventually gave up, and I was surprised to find out I was lazy.
One afternoon, when I was about ten, I decided to walk over to the "wrong side of the tracks." At first I was a little scared. But then I noticed that the yards were nice, and so were the houses. In fact, most of the houses were better than those on our side of the tracks. A lot better.
When I told Dad I wanted a kite he said, "Okay, but instead of buying a kite, let's make one." So we did. Then, about a month later, we also made me a bicycle, but it blew away.