thanks so much for taking the time to write that. I know it must have taken you a while. I have taken it to heart, and will try to apply it..
On a side note, I did an IFR lesson shortly after reading your post.
It was a night IFR and i hadnt flown at night since my private pilot training over a year ago..
It went perfectly. I had hiccups and dealt with them. Everything was within limits and the ILS approaches were very very smooth.
ON the localizer back to homefield, It was messy, but within limits.
I asked my instructor what I did wrong to make it so messy on the last approach. He then informed me that the VORs in this airplane suck ass and the needle "sticks" sometimes.
I noticed that it did this on my stagecheck, but thought it was just me.
Anywho, all it took was another flight and im all good. I think the failure on the stagecheck was due to be not being current (no appraoch in a month) and the VORs being shitty.
Thanks so much for your post. I kept telling myself in the plane that I always had to be doing somethign. IF i ever was just sitting there straight and level and flying, I needed to find somethign to do, put in new frequencys, check dg, whatever
it worked.
thanks again,
Ill let you know how it goes when I go for it again..
OH, and just so there is no confusion, this isnt a checkride. its a stage check in a part 141 school .
The actual checkride is 5 lessons away.