You don't have to tell your employer about filing for bankruptcy, per se, but you will have to supply your financial records, including pay stubs, creditors might also contact your employer.
In the states, bankruptcy stays on your record for 7 years, I believe, and a lot of companies do run credit checks before hiring someone. Would you hire someone with a bankruptcy? If you plan on moving, your landlord will run a credit check... the bankruptcy will show up there as well.. Would you rent to someone who had a bankruptcy?
You are young, so that works in your favor, but do you want the debt to your parents discharged by the courts? That's not fair to them.
Put away your credit cards. and get yourself into credit counseling to work out the debt, at the very least, tehy can work witht he creditors to get down the interest a little, they would rather get something, than nothing.
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