You will pass your check ride when you are ready and qualified. You won't pass because you want to.
Even if they say so, not everybody passes their first or even second time. (It took me twice for my mine).
Don't let the little stuff like the plane being late or the instructor goofing off distract you. This is the stuff that happens in the real world, so being able to adjust and not panic is as much a part of the ticket as the skills. Stay cool and relaxed. Don't drink coffee.
Flyguy has given you some good technical tips, but the bottom line as you know, is staying ahead of the airplane. One caveat, don't be thinking so far ahead that you let some little thing like switching tanks sneak up on you. Always take a deep breath every couple of minutes. I used to write RELAX. BREATHE. on my kneeboard.
Good Luck man. Flying is great. Let us know when you pass.
I am just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe...
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." - Thoreau
"Nothing great was ever accomplished without enthusiasm" - Emerson