Bush says that those locked in Camp X-Ray are terrorists, "the worst of the worst". If this is the case why can't he simply prosecute them under US or international law. My government in Australia says that the two Aussies there, David Hicks and Mamdouh Habib, cannot be brought home because we cannot prosecute them in Australia and they would simply be set free. This is complete crap. If they have violated international law, then we can prosecute them in the supreme court. If they haven't violated international law or Australian law, or even Afghani law, then what right do the Amercian armed forces have to pick them up in Afghanistan and try them in an illegal court that even the general in charge of says won't grant fair and unbiased trials. The British have managed to convince Bush to release their nationals, and most of these are now free in the UK. Why can't Howard do the same here, or is he truly Bush's lapdog?