New hardware? You're serious? Last I remember reading, the box you upgraded to what, a year ago, sounded pretty impressive. Dual AMD processors...chunk of, I can't remember the specs, but it sounded great. (I recently read somewhere what all SlashDot runs on and nearly fell over, it's so inadequate. I swear, it must've been outdated info, there's no way they're running on what I read.)
<i>Surely, you can't be serious.
I am serious, and stop calling me Shirley
A hospital, what is it?
A big building, full of sick people, but that's not important right now....</I>
Alas, I digress.
I can't believe those scumbags at Paypal won't let you have an active account. They really need to be bitch-clapped by the Feds. I've just heard way, way too many underhanded, low-life, bottom-feeding stories about them. Really, really ticks me off.
You'll have mine in 7 days, Halx. I should've given sooner. My bad.
Thanks for keeping the site up, man. This is a great community. We all owe you.
<B>[edited]</b> [munch munch] I'm eating my words, because I found
this page, and [munch munch] the kids at /. have ten servers [munching] or I just ran out of fingers to count them on [munch munch] nevermind....silly dingo...