This came off the Green Party website (it was at BW):
Vice presidential debate (only one):
7PM, Tuesday October 5
Baldwin Wallace College
John Patrick Theatre (500 seating capacity)
Cleveland, OH
Listen to the debate LIVE:
Listen to a Pacifica interview with Pat at 8:40PM EST
6PM Doors Open
7-8:30PM Debate
9-10:30PM Live Screening of the Televised Debates
10:30PM Excluded Candidate Rebuttals
Join Pat LaMarche and supporters in Ohio for a real debate among third-party candidates, including our candidate Pat LaMarche as well as the Libertarian, Consitution and Nader's vice presidential candidates. This exciting debate will be the concluding event in her unprecedented "Left Out Tour." For information on this outstanding event, please email Jason Neville (National Field Director). For advance tickets (free) or on-sit
From what I have heard it was a good debate, lots of issues and substance were discussed.