Originally Posted by adysav
or we could go by what the report actually says:
"It cannot be fairly concluded through the analysis of these data that those forces are based on gender bias"
You got me. By bolding that section text i was secretly hoping to actually only call your attention to one specific part of it. You picked the wrong part though. What i actually meant to call attention to by bolding those two sentences was just this one section: "It cannot be fairly concluded." So, i guess what i was trying to say by bolding those two sentences was that "It cannot be fairly concluded". What
it is is beyond me, because i am following your lead and ignoring the rest of the sentence.
Originally Posted by adysav
How can someone not be permitted to do something by expectations?
If I wanted to stay at home with my child while my wife went to work as a builder, then that's what we would do.
It has been a while since intro sociology, but lemme see if i can remember...
Societies are kept in order by things called mores and norms and laws. Laws are codified and breaking them often results in legal sanctions. For the less important rules (the mores and the norms) society uses informal sanctions like discrimination, insults, anything really. A functional society runs smoothly because the members of that society act as willing agents of social control in enforcing the mores, norms and laws. You are correct in saying that everyone has a choice in whether they want to conform to the expectations of their society. Their choice is between conformity or sanction. If you doubt this, then you should go to work naked tomorrow and tell me how this expression of personal freedom affected your personal well being at your workplace. If you refuse to go to work naked, then you have not permitted yourself to do something based society's expectations. So there you go.