I am voting third party like I have since I registered to vote at age 18. I voted for Nader (for whom I dont personally care for) because he had a good chance of getting government funding the next year. I got the wasted vote comment from people I know, as well as the I voted for Bush comments, thinking that since I voted for Nader, I should have supported Gore. Fact is I had no preference over Gore and Bush, they both were not for me. Being from California, my vote did not change anything since Gore won here anyways. Nader did not get his government funding. My lesson learned? Vote for what you truly believe in. Make your voice heard. I am Libertarian and will be voting so. People who want to vote third party but do not, are just making the two party system more powerful because they do not truly speak their mind and accept the two party playing field. Anyone who votes Kerry instead of the third party they want is thinking short term and not long term.
Originally Posted by Stompy
The outcome of this election *will* be 100% Bush or Kerry. There is no possible way that a third party candidate can win..
What about all future elections and how they will be conducted? Nothing will ever change if we do not try to change it.