Originally Posted by Temporary_User
kurty: simple question, what do you do to dress up as jesus?
the free drinks seems to be the ticket.
Also I figure most girls already call me god so why not have them yell out "oh Jesus" for a change 
Well, I grew out the beard (takes about a month for me), I bought a bit past shoulder length silverish/dark wig (around $30), went to Goodwill and bought a brown bathrobe, and a white bath robe ($5 for both), and took an old white cloth towel, and used it to make the sleeves on the white bath robe a bit larger, and an old pair of brown sandals/slippers. Carry a goblet, and tell everyone at the party's you're going to do your water to wine "trick", and ask them to turn around (yeah I know, stole it from southpark).