In the end the undecideds are still undecided. For Bush to put it away he needs to really make a case for why the Kerry approach to the war on terror will fail. This election will be about security. Kerry needs to make something stick for him to win in November. He hasn't done it. The longer it takes for it to happen the more likely the undecideds will go with Bush.
As far as the debate itself, it was like the Presidential debate. Cheney won on substance and Edwards looked good for the camera. Hell, Edwards couldn't even come close to following the rules of the debate. He completely failed to answer several questions, couldn't go 90 seconds without mentioning Kerry's name despite the "rule" not to, broke into Cheney's response to one question attempting to shout over him, and continually went back to old questions rather than answering the current question put to him (Cheney did this as well but not until Edwards had done it two or three times). The moderator for this debate was horrendous.
The moderator was
Strive to be more curious than ignorant.