I agree with TheKak.
For most people the ASP will be used to crack across someone's temple - that is a potentially lethal strike.
If you want something for concealed carry I presume it is for self-defense. A blackjack is employed as an offensive tool. It's a pretty poor for defensive purposes.
A good defensive tool is a very strong Surefire flashlight. These aren't like normal flashlights - they are small enough to fit in a pocket and can put out about 120+ lumens of light which can effectively blind someone in broad daylight. It's activated with a pushbutton on the endcap so it isn't awkward to deploy and activate quickly - easier than pepper spray.
Even a moment of light in their eyes is enough to give you an edge so you could run away or do whatever...
Sure, it doesn't sound very macho, but it's damn effective. Surefire makes a ton of different models - and now even a "Defender" with a jagged edge around the bezel so it can be used as a striking tool.