Originally Posted by DJ Happy
Who's talking about your culture? No-one's talking about watching American Pie movies or wearing Levis. The US has a history of supporting and enforcing regime change throughout the world regardless of the wishes of the people it affects. Did anyone ask the Iraqis if they want democracy? No. Yet you talk as though you speak for the entire population of the earth, when you don't and the entire population of the earth doesn't want you to. Why do you think Osama Bin Laden is more popular in the Arab world than Bush? Because of McDonalds???
You think Osama Bin Laden is more popular in the Arab world than Bush. If true why is Osama hidding in a cave somewhere. If he is loved he would be protected and not need to hide.
True, we did not ask the hudreds of thousands of people killed by Saddam if they wanted democracy. For the people still alive, they will make their decision in January, assuming the terrorists allow it or we defeat them.
At the moment Saudi Arabia is preparing for its first local elections. In conversations with the locals, hardly any of them are going to vote because they're content with the way things are.
That is o.k. with me. I just hope they choose not to support international terrorists. If they do, there has to be consequences.
Islamic extremists want the US out of their lands. They want to be able to live their lives the way they want without having the US telling them what to do and how they should be doing it.
What about those who are not Islamic extremists in those lands, do they get input?
No-one is saying that Saddam was a nice person. But the blatant hypocrisy on show is that there are many more tyrants in the world who operate without reproach from the US or even with their blessing. Some of these tyrants are far more of a threat to the US than Saddam could ever be. Yet nothing is done about them. Why doesn't Bush invade Sudan or Rwanda, where state sponsored genocide is the norm? Why doesn't he invade Zimbabwe, where "democracy" has evolved into starvation of the populace and imprisonment or death to government opposition, not to mention blatantly racist agendas? Why don't they invade North Korea? Or China for that matter?
I have never understood the logic in that argument. If a doctor is treating an accident victim with multiple wounds. The doctor has to decide which injuries to treat first, that doesn't mean the other injuries are not serious and won't be treated. Just like in our war on terror, we can disagree on the strategy but we can agree somthing has to be done. So what is the point of your arguement, one of strategy or are you saying we should not do anything. If you say strategy, then you have to agree that action is required in Iraq.
[quote]After you invade a country and reduce it to rubble is the wrong time to be asking these questions.[\quote]
I don't think Iraq has been reduced to rubble. We could have done that, but we did not. We have taken extra-ordinary effort to minimize Iraqi casualties and destroying the country.
Not familiar with it.