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Old 10-06-2004, 08:19 AM   #81 (permalink)
Location: Canada eh?
Originally Posted by Strange Famous
I also think the contract saying employee's can't smoke is illegal... well, I actually am lying... I KNOW it would be illegal in the UK, I dont know about the US, but I kinda hope it is there too.
Ah the joys of "At Will" employment states. If you live in one your employer can fire you for any reason (or no reason) what so ever. Didn't square up in your parking space? Fired. Made your car too perfectly square with the parking space? Fired. Had toast for breakfast? Fired. You walk too happy? Fired.

The only things they can't fire you for are the federally protected anti-discrimination classes. So they can't fire you because your black but good luck proving the firing wasn't because your were 30 seconds late or you parted you hair on the wrong side.
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