There are excellent reasons for legalizing marijuana, even for those who do not partake.
First, legalizing it would immediately cut the criminal element off from a lucrative revenue stream. There would still be the odd guy that sold it to people who didn't get to the D.C.B.O. before it was closed, but the bikers and the mafia would be out of it.
As a bonus side-effect, it would drastically reduce the otherwise law-abiding citizen's exposure to that same criminal element, dramatically enhancing community safety and even reducing other seemingly non-related crime rates. As an example, here's a hypothetical scenario: Hey man - how's it goin? Want some weed? Hey, right on - here ya go. Hey, by the way, I've got this car stereo here that I need to get rid of - I bought a new one and this one's no good to me. $20 sound good?
Second, and this is why the police are against it, we would save BILLIONS on our law enforcement and justice department budgets by redirecting the money wasted on the 'War on Drugs' into social and health programs. Of course, legalizing marijuana isn't going to make the coke heads and the crystal meth fiends drop out of sight, but at least they could FOCUS on actually DANGEROUS drugs and DANGEROUS criminals. (ie. Meth lab operators)
Third, as someone noted above, the government could TAX it at the distribution point, making it not only no longer a cost centre but actually turn it into a revenue stream.
Fourth, the marijuana could be QUALITY CONTROLLED, preventing people who partake in the odd toke from being exposed to dope laced with PCP or some Mexican herbicide.
Fifth, it would provide our Agriculture sector one more alternative crop. No more whining farmers. Okay, FEWER whining farmers. <grin>
Last, legalizing marijuana would legitimize support groups for people who have problems with it - and there are a few who do. Maybe if there weren't the threat of legal action on someone, they would be more prone to seeking help when they needed it.
There are probably more reasons but that's the best I can come up with right now because there are two women bothering me right at the moment. TTYL.
"Act as if the future of the universe depends on what you do, while laughing at yourself for thinking that your actions make any difference."