Recommend a song to the community.
Leave a one-song recommendation. If you love all of the songs done by a particular band, pick the one song that you think will get a listener hooked on their music. Try to make it something that not everyone has probably heard, but it's ok if it's popular, just as long as YOU like it. Describe the song as much as you can (style, speed, enjoyable parts, etc). Make it a general rule to not post another recommendation until, say, at least 5 other people have made one after yours. That way we can keep this thread as a community effort rather than have one person expressing his/her own opinions. Most important of all: POST THE SONG EVEN IF YOU THINK NO ONE WILL LIKE IT! This is your chance to express YOUR choice in music, and to lend those in search of new music a helping hand. Thanks in advance for participating!
Here's my first recommendation:
"I Spit On Your Grave" by Sinergy.
This song starts off fast from the beginning. The singing is hair band-ish, but the guitar work is phenomenal. Make sure you listen during the guitar solos and you'll see what I mean.