Originally Posted by irseg
No wonder you don't like most American cars, if you base your opinion of them on rental fleet vehicles. Most of them are pretty much bottom of the line.
There's a reason they don't rent out Corvettes, you know.
Back in the mid-nineties they used to rent out convertible Mustang GT's (5.0 liter V8's, ~240 HP, RWD) in Florida where I went to school. I rented one once, for a week. I've never been in more drag races, burned off more tire rubber, created bigger clouds of tire smoke, did more donuts or drove faster on the streets than I did in that rental Mustang. The tires were bald by the time I returned it, and I'm sure I put a ton of unnecessary wear on the rest of it as well. Makes no sense for rental companies to provide cars that people are going to abuse. By the way, you can get very nice cars like Jaguars, Cadillacs, Volvos, Saabs, but its gonna cost you $$$, plus limited mileage.