I'm normally not too worried about small pains here & there as they're normal to have once in a while..but I've had very slight testicular pain since yesterday. Nothing too bad. I feel perfect if I sit for a long time..but once I start walking, the pain starts. It's not a sharp pain (thankfully), it's kinda the same dull ache as if someone kicked you there..but obviously not that painful.
I'm seeing a doctor tomorrow just to check it out. I highly doubt it's anything serious or dangerous, but I'm 30 now so I gotta watch out for these things.
I don't think it's a torsion because those are supposed to REALLY hurt. And I don't think it's a sign of cancer or anything because I know that pain is rarely a symptom, but rather a lump, which I don't have.
If anyone has experienced something similar, please post.