Originally Posted by adysav
I'm not sure how you could test this situation outside of a social context[...]
Exactly!!!! So, now that <i>you admit that you can't prove that some people are naturally better parents than others due to the social context</i> in the absence of having <u>specific scientific evidence</u> to back this up (rather than social observations). Again, you can make claims about our society and culture, but you are lacking when it comes to how people "naturally" are. We need more evidence.
Are you claiming that homosexuals are inherently less abusive than heterosexuals, and if so how did you come to this conclusion? Saying there is no data to support it is not the same as saying there is data to refute it.
Since openly homosexual couples have often been turned away from getting foster children, my thinking is that there is no way to associate those figures to that subset of society either way. For all I know, homosexuals may be more abusive. But I'd need data specific to homosexuals to make any conclusions.
This is ridiculous.. it's not saying all foster parents are abusive, but rather a higher percentage of them are than biological parents.
If you agree that it is ridiculous, then the next step is to find out what the factors are that cause foster parents to be abusive. Does it have a correlation to things that have nothing to do with sexuality? What are those things? Is it possible that as a subset of all foster parents that homosexual couples would have lower rates of abuse than the rest of the pie? Again, your data doesn't prove anything without it being specific to homosexuality.
Generalizing homosexual foster parents with <i>all</i> foster parents defeats the purpose of looking specifically at homosexuals as foster parents.