What annoys me is people who can't follow simple directions. This one is a little like JadziaDax's except I can't say anything about people leaning back in chairs because that WAS me. (and half the reason I did it was because it anoyed the teacher and I never had a chair fall down or break under me. Unless you are leaning waay back or weigh 300+ lbs or its a REALLY cheap chair it shouldn't happen) But were I work now I have to help people work there directv systems and I understand not everyone grasps electronic equipment the same way I do BUT come on. Its not that hard when I tell you to go to this option in the menu screen all you have to do is hit the down arrow button twice and hit either the select or ok button. This is not rocket science people. Another thing that bugs me is when you get into a debate with someone who does not know what they are talking about. You can disagree with me all you want but when you just simply do not even know the facts. This is mostly drug related and I am pro drug legalization for a number of drugs so of course alot of people want to argue with you and 95% of their arguement is "well... its illegal". Anyway.
Meridae'n once played "death" at a game of chess that lasted for over two years. He finally beat death in a best 34 out of 67 match. At that time he could ask for any one thing and he could wish for the hope of all mankind... he looked death right in the eye and said ...
"I would like about three fiddy"