If they're teenagers and white, I generally assume that they're posers, as are most people who follow any kind of style that's supposed to make them look rebellious and dangerous. I'm old, so I can tell you all about suburban punks, week-end hippies, and sixteen-year-old-kids in black motorcycle leather (riding Hondas!).
Also, I'm probably one of the few guys here old enough to have seen a lot of "Bowery Boys" movies, grade C comedies from the '40s and '50s about a bunch of gang kids from New York. A lot of _them_ wore their caps backward, because it was a style then as well. And since the Bowery Boys movies went on for 20 years (under different names) by the end the actors were all middle-aged guys playing goofy teenagers with their hats turned around. It was really pathetic.
So when I see kids thinking it's cool, I know that they sure wouldn't if they saw a Bowery Boys movie!
Last edited by Rodney; 10-05-2004 at 03:20 PM..