You only need to worry about burn-in on CRT rear projection and plasma. LCD, LCP-DP and DLP-RP can't burn in. The following tips are for CRT-RP and plasma displays ...
Don't pause the game. Don't play any one game too long if it has static areas (the score, a menu bar, etc ...) Basically, NEVER leave any one image up on the screen. Never ever. Ever.
Check your owners manual for settings that might help. Some Tv's can float the image a few pixels; that can help a little. Turn down your brightness and contrast as far as you can. Waaaaaaaayyyyyyy down. Stretch the image if it's 4:3, or use the 'grey' side bars instead of the black bars.
Finally, don't believe ANYONE who says your Tv won't burn-in, and don't listen to anyone who says they've left their xbox paused all week without burn in.
From the day of his birth Gilgamesh was called by name.