October 4th! What a great day!
I watched the event via streaming video at work. I was quite pleased a fairly stable 300K feed was provided. I looked to see who sponsored it to offer my gratitude, but couldn't find them.
The X-Prize Cup sounds okay. I suppose it's an attempt to keep those who lost interested in the race. I am really hesitant to use the term "lost" - Personally, I'm very appreciative of all who even made the attempt to build a private rocket to space. Truly a bold project and all deserve recognition who participated.
Regardless of the nobility and purpose of the X-Prize Cup, I believe the next real race is to orbit. That's a whole different ball game, and it may be that it's just plain unrealistic to expect a privately funded project to achieve it. But then again, "never say never" as they say...
Thanks for the heads-up on "Black Sky" Rodney!