I often find myself wearing a cap backwards, and am curious about what you all think when you see someone wearing a backwards cap?
Do you assume they are trying to be a gangster, or do you accept it as any other fashon statement people make every time they get dressed?
Also, generally, what kind of impression does a seeing a backwards cap make on you before you talk to them? Negative, positive, neutral?
Whenever I leave the house and have a cap on backwards my dad says, "Sup Homie?" or some other wisecrack that relates directly to the way I'm wearing my cap. I think it's funny, and it's all in good fun, but I'm wondering how you all react to seeing a backwards cap on someone's head?
I actually wear the caps backwards because I think it looks better that way, and am not a big fan of having a huge bill floating out in front of my forehead. Also, I have a Cleveland Browns hat with bright orange underneath the bill, and if not worn backwards, it's quite distracting.
What's your take on this?