I have fought this battle for years, since i was 13... I'm 19 now and still fighting... THe only things that have worked for me is prescription Benzyol Peroxide 8% Cream (Brevoxl). I've been using it for 4 years now... For me personally, I have to keep my face dry dry, and the Benz. Perox. dries you out. I havent tried moistuirzing because that just seems to me to be feeding the fire. I was also on minocyline, it made it alot worse for me. It made my skin like... tough. It like got thicker, and therefore the pimples had a harder and harder time getting through, which made it alot worse.
One thing i"ve noticed for sure is that i get zits on my forehead if i use a hair gel like the blue "la looks" or some shit, the cheep gell, I started using whipped gell, from Loriel Paris or whatever, and it cleared my forehead, especially the area around my hairline of zits, i think the cheeper "LA Looks" or those brands make your skin nearby react.
I dont know what the solution is, I"m almost 20 and still looking for an answer. I put NO faith in dermatologists, I've gone to 3 diff. ones and everything they gave me made it worse. My advise is, if its an ongoing thing for you, start trying the different products out, keep a list of what you've tried. I'm going tomarrow to go pick a moisturizer to use, cause after the shower using the Brevoxl, my face is really stiff, very dry. Keep fighting. Eat fruit, take one a day vitamin, I'm even taking a pill for "women" called Biotin, its a pill that helps the face, skin in particular, just to be healthy.