Insensative Fuck.
Location: Boon towns of Ohio
Satan can't be all that bad!
Some interesting facts about Satan, "The Prince of Darkness"
First of all, Satan, is in no way shape or form, his name. Satan is merelya hebrew word for "advarsary". The devil, is not his name, it is a Abrahamic word for, "Advarsary" also. Lastly, Lucifer, is not his name... this came about through a misinterpretation of Isaiah, which I won't get into... completely different story.
Names that The dark lord should go by? Well, first of all, there is his true name, the name given to him by god when he was created. The name "Azezel". This name was given to him when god created the 7 angels who were to rule over earth, in direction from god. God would look over the heavens.
So far, thats 1 name. There are 2 more you can call him. The other, more of a title, "The Prince of Darkness".
The 3rd name, (which sounds hypocritical but isnt), You can call him Lucifer. But not in the sense that Isaiah was speaking of, Lucifer as in "The Bearer of Light". Strange sounding for the almighty evil in the world? Well I'll explain a bit later.
Now that we know what we can call him. I'll be calling him Azezel when I use his name for the rest of this post.
What does he look like? Well, the pictures you see of him, Red skinned, horned, cloven hooves. Chances are......They are actually correct! You see, before Azezel was banished to hell, he was normally pictured as a Man, with Goat Head, and Hooves like a goat. So thats where the horns and the hooves come from. He is normally red as that is the color of blood, which is what christians want you to think he is all about.
Ok, so we can call him Azezel, and he probably does have horns and hooves, but isnt technically red.
Azezel, is given credit for taking the appearance of a serpeant (Snake) in order to fool adam and eve into eatting the forbidden fruit. I say given credit, because this may have been a good thing you see! If you have read the bible, when Adam and Eve bite from the Forbidden Apple, god is unhappy, and in order to show them the difference between right and wrong, he casts them from the garden of eden!
In the act of telling them to eat the apple, at that very moment, it gave Adam and Eve, the ability to understand, they have their own will! Also, that event led to adam and eve, gaining understanding of right and wrong!
Christians often label Azezel as "Evil" but can you honestly label something evil? It's impossible to do so, the definition depends vastly on who you are. You see, to a mouse, a cat is evil. But to a human, the cat may be a perfect pet. But in protestant fundamentalist christianity, the definition of "good" and "evil" is based soley on the humans attitude toward the christian god. Humans are said to have been created for the purpose of glorifying god. Therefore, total subservience is "Good" whereas anything else is "evil" no matter how beneficial to humans it may be.
There are some people who see Azezel as a being who exclaims the idea of not ignorantly submitting yourself to any orthodoxy. Rather, Azezel is often times the impression of humans with individuality and independant thought process!
Now to understand being completely independant, Yes, Satan DOES in fact influence us to think forbidden thoughts, in order to be a true independant being you must be able to think these thoughts. Does this mean to follow through with the forbidden thoughts? Absolutely NOT. After you question the validity of why the thought is forbidden in yourself, you may fine that the thought/action is forbidden for good reason, or perhaps you'll find that this is not so bad a thought (in a human improvement sense).
Many many news stations, christian programming, try to use Scare Tactics, to point out hate crimes, done by those who think satan is not the almighty evil in this world. On the other hand, you almost never see news about christians killing people for their god. (honestly just look in a history book for that ^^) You don't see how people die every day for being gay, and christians kill them for being like that.
Azezel, Lucifer, The prince of darkness... is not about hatred and bloodshed, he is about free thinking, independant thought, and individuality.
The truth is, before you say your a christian, a jew, a buddhist, a satanist even, You need to fully question the orthodoxy, even after you decide what you feel is right for you, you need to continue questioning sin, "good", "evil", and everything about your decision, until the day that you die, and all is revealed to you.
Originally Posted by Crompsin
Menoman is my hero. He masturbates with Brillo pads. And likes it.