neal pert = teh suck
jimmy stewart was in fact the best drummer ever. it is a little known fact that he picked up drumming from the four dimensional being Harvey the Giant Rabbit, who was actually mistaken as imaginary, during the filming of the movie 'Harvey'. Harvey trained under Moses and Grakor the Destroyer, the latter of 'Impaled Northern Moon Forest' fame, and passed down the mythical tom-roll of hatred, death, bunnies, and sunflower seeds to jimmy stewart. Once he learned this, jimmy stewart was unstoppable and began his ethnic cleansing. first to be ravaged by his confused and misguided ethnic hatred were the mole people of moleopolis, followed by the rat people of ratopolis and the cat people of Chicago. only by the grace of god and a half eaten twinkie were captain obvious and his sidekick colonel cleavland steamer able to stop the now half-man, half-robot movie star bent on becoming the next fuhrer. it is a shame. he would have made a great madman drum-based malevolent dictator.