Originally Posted by NeoSparky
I'm tired of all these uneducated people going around calling random people hackers. I'd say about 80% of the people called hackers are really just script kiddies, the other 20% barely know where the on button is on the computer. A true hacker you wont find breaking into home networks. The term hacker is thrown around way to often these days and i'm personally tired of hearing it overused.
Language evolves.
originally meant someone who was technically astute and had excellent skills. It didn't have any negative or security related conotations at all. But today it does.
If "most" people thinks hijacking bandwidth is hacking, then ipso facto it IS hacking. Anyway, I know stealing someone's bandwidth, from an unsecured WLAN, is not hacking in the traditional meaing of the word, but so what?
With regards to the analogies you use, I think they're funny.
Funny is a good way. :-)
Mr Mephisto