There are three very important things you can do to beat your cold. They are:
1) hydrate
2) eat right
3) rest
Constantly be sipping on water everywhere you go, eat healthy foods that will give your body the energy it needs to fight the virus (chicken noodle soup!), and try to get more sleep than usual. This will keep your immune system working most effectively and, thus, get rid of your icky cold as fast as possible.
As far as drugs to relieve symptoms (since it's waaaaay too late to use vitamin C or echinacea), the most common and generally most effective decongestant is Sudafed. It will likely make you drowsy (that's the nature of pseudoephedrine) but will dry you out. If you have an unproductive cough where mucus is stuck in your throat, try Robitussin. It's an expectorant that will loosen up all that mucus and allow you to cough it up and out.
I hope you all feel better soon!