Originally Posted by filtherton
What argument? You make a few generalizations backed up by questionable figures of authority. These are not the basis for "argument".
Every day decisions are made on parenting by experts in the field of human psychology. Their code of conduct decrees that they be unbiased and work solely in the interests of the children. I contend that these people are a good choice for mentally profiling people to determine their fitness for parenting. The only thing that is questionable is your willingness to accept that these people are qualified to do their jobs because their results do not tally with your view of how the world should be.
Perhaps you know of some way of determining this fitness which proves parents are equally capable, but you're just holding back the information to tease me.
There has still been no reply to the point that foster children are 5 times more likely to die having suffered abuse at the hands of their parents than children who are parented by their biological family.