Originally Posted by cthulu23
It's interesting to note that the perception of the media by some of the public has reached such a low point that the term "journalist" is synonomous with bias. Historically, that title conferred an air of fairness and of even handedness. Journalism has it's own ethical guidelines with bias as one of it's greatest sins.
Too often today, I hear people shouting "bias" when what they really mean is "I don't agree with what you are saying!"
yes, it is sad, but no, I'm not saying he's biased because I disagree with him.
I knew what I wrote was ironic, but I absolutely meant it. I have also said that FOX news is biased to the other extreme, too. That's why I watch FOX and other news sources -to get the complete picture. Would you expect a FOX NEWS reporter to give fair and balanced treatment to Kerry? Of course not. Nor would/should you expect Jim Lehrer to do so with Bush.